Friday 8 June 2012

Foxglove Work in Progress - 'Stage 2'

Looking a little tidier now. The sky has been finished and some of the ends from the lower weaving have been threaded in and trimmed ( all trimmings saved for the embellisher machine - of course!). I have blanket stitched around three sides, onto a backing fabric, tidying the weaving ends from the 'sky' in the process. The lower edge  has been left open for the present in case I need to access the back of the weaving. The backing fabric will be folded out of sight when the piece is finished, but the weaving, particularly the sky portion, needed some stability before I could do any further stitching.

Two foxglove spikes are now taking shape, the buds, flower trumpets and leaves all being handknitted. They are pinned in place for the moment. I am finding it difficult to photograph this piece in my light tent - I will have to give some thought to the photography of the finished hanging. The apparent 'wavyness' of the lower part of the vertical edges is due to this part of the work being draped along the floor of the tent!

I intend to work on the area to the right of the foxgloves now. More texture into the 'hedgerow' first I think, and then decide which other wildflowers to include - I am tending towards some daisies and maybe some blue speedwell, which would just repeat the sky blue only in a darker shade, so as not to introduce too many colours.

More tomorrow.

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